Tuesday, 11 June 2013

OOTD: The Yellow Skater

1. OUAH! T-shirt, Zara. 2.Sunglasses, Primark 3. Peace Necklace, Topshop.---> similar here 4. Skater Skirt, H&M ---> similar in black. 5. Elastic strap sandals, Office (last year)
The sun graced the northern parts of the British Isles this weekend, and despite only having plans to chill in the garden with a few pals, followed by the BGT final, I decided to debut my new yellow skater skirt, I purchased the other week. I am a bit of a sucker for layering at the moment (honestly I think it’s because the current medication I am taking has made me completely balloon, to a noticeable level – possibly more on that another time) as it allows me to revamp old gems I keep finding in the back of my wardrobe, hide my lumps and bumps under layers of garments, and I also get to be a little creative with prints, colour and shape without feeling too self-conscious. I purchased this skirt the other week,on a whim. I was out shopping with mother-Jack and both sister-Jacks, and we had some items to return and I honestly couldn’t find much in H&M, which isn’t unusual, I often find it a bit of a bad, jumble sale, but I picked up the skirt. I was a little iffy about the colour but it’s summer so why the heck not. I decided to take a leap out of my dark comfort zone, and bought a bright, jersey, summer garment.

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